Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

Winter Love Story {a map for your monday}

“The future lies before you, like a field of fallen snow.”

I have been spending my wintry January days gazing out at the thick blanket of snow covering the farmland. It’s oh so peaceful, and I can scarcely believe my dream has come true.

January is so dismal to many. I was once part of that winter-despising group who felt the affects of seasonal blues and survived through the winter only because the promise of spring beckoned with its faint light.

But over time, I have become accustomed to this season – and even friends with it. If we’re stuck inside due to subzero temperatures, we might as well refrain from resentment and instead choose contentment. I embrace winter now because it offers me unique gifts that no other season can. It’s my season of hibernation…

I cozy up by the fire, wrapped in the softest of blankets, and drink plenty of hot cocoa with marshmallows – sometimes even topped with fresh whipped cream. I select some of my favorite reads and always a few new ones. I journal, I write, I read, I daydream, I plan and prepare.

It’s the one time of year when the seasons bend to my love of stillness.

I still don’t love the cold, but who can doubt the brisk freshness of winter air? I still don’t love the muddy, snowy boots, but who can disdain the magic of snowflakes and the wonder of children frolicking through mounds of powdered sugar?

Maybe you’ll join me in a #winterwonder movement? We could praise winter for all its gifts and write a winter love story. Let’s harness the power of January to glance back, savor the stillness of now, and face forward with wholehearted dreams for the future.

What we sow, we shall reap. If we can invest in the slumbering winterscape, perhaps we will be gifted a more glorious spring…

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