Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

Mrs. Silence Dogood

snuggled in terracotta muslin and striped linen sheets
Cooper and I sit
to read an old story about Benjamin Franklin.

Something about him inspires me
maybe it was his pen-name
Mrs. Silence Dogood
secretly printing his writing in his brother’s newspaper.

Or maybe it was his creation of
Poor Richard’s Almanack
the witty calendar
with sound bits of advice.

My heart sparks with imaginative ideas
glowing embers of possibility.

Maybe one day I’ll find a pen-name of
my own…

Adventure Calls…

I let my imagination go on a choose your own adventure story today.In my journal I wrote out all our options for somedayin the not-so-distant

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Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Out on the post in the horse corralwas the prettiest bird I’ve ever seen around our partsWe grabbed binoculars and focused them inon this vibrant

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Higher, Holier

Sabbath ponderingon the hilltop of my mind.A parable from the Lordabout a certain womanwho rose from the minutia of the dailyto climb to higher heightsto

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