Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

What I Learned from Pushing Pause in 2020

When Covid-19 put my state in lock-down earlier this year, I kind of went into lock-down mode myself. I don’t know if it was because I felt a bit lost, or if I finally felt the freedom to take a break from everything and explore new territory. Either way, I put nearly everything I was used to doing online on hold for the time being. I wanted to see where it would take me. Now I stand at the end of 2020, and looking back, there is much I have learned from this blogging/social media hiatus.

Lessons Learned {Gifts from 2020}:

  • Social media is not for me.
  • A small and simple life that is hidden from the public eye is my best way to live. It is peaceful, it is exhilarating, and it is deeply fulfilling.
  • When I take away time-wasting activities, I magically find more time! (I know, novel, right?) I found when I wasn’t spending vast amounts of time and vast amounts of mental space with my online projects, I had vast amounts of time to do what mattered most to me–enjoy precious time with my family; serve my friends, family, and neighbors; and take care of myself. I never want this to change.
  • Slowing down was just what I needed to heal, and overcome my weaknesses. This year, as I took a step back, I was able to confront my social anxiety and perfectionism. As I devoted diligent time to pray, ponder, read the scriptures, learn from books & articles, and visit with an understanding therapist and a very knowledgeable, kind counselor, I was able to truly discover who I am and what I am worth. I have grown past my limits to a vista I never thought possible.
  • There is beauty all around–and this year I have been able to see it more clearly because I have taken more time to notice it.
  • Grounding and mindfulness can have a profound influence on mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • Exercising in creative ways not only brings mental and physical health, but it can be incredibly enjoyable. This year I found exercise that I love and as a result, my body and heart have grown stronger.
  • Setting a hobby on a shelf for a time may yield unexpected results. I set my writing life aside this year and found some startling discoveries. Namely, I missed it!! You never know the hobbies you need to thrive until you let them go for a season. And shelving my writing for a few months gave me much needed room to hone in on the avenues of writing that are the most important to me. And next year I’m determined to pursue them with purpose!

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