Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

The Sound of Silence

Have you ever squirted too much lotion on your hands? You rub and rub some more and then start moving the excess up your arms as well, because you desperately need to get back to life duties and you don’t want to coat your tools or workspace with greasy goop. But in the end, no matter how much you rub, you sometimes have to wait for all of that loveliness to soak in. This may be a silly analogy, but this is how I’ve felt about writing on my blog ever since 2018 began.

You may have noticed my absence in your inbox this year. Last year I posted once a week on average in addition to my monthly letters. But this year a new path has opened up. It’s the path I’ve wanted for so many years–the book-writing path. And though my desire to write here weekly has been eating at me, I have been called to write a book and I’m trying to figure out how that all works and how to balance the two.

It’s been suggested to me to take a long-break from this blog space so I can focus on writing my book. And while the thought of hunkering down and hibernating while I write is appealing, I can’t seem to stay away from this blog altogether. Because over the past few years, writing here has become a part of who I am. And when I’m not writing regularly, I feel something is missing. Not to mention, I care about YOU! Through your comments and emails, I feel connected with you and your dreams. And I can’t abide the idea of just leaving you high and dry.

So lately, every time a lightbulb sparks a new writing idea, I reach for my laptop so I can write it all down here on the blog. But then I remember I’m writing a book and so I tuck the idea snugly into one of my chapters. But even as I do, I mourn that my blog remains empty.

It’s been two months now of this inner wrestle between my blog and my book. I’ve prayed and pondered and counseled with my sweetheart, and shed many tears of confusion. The pull to remain silent here on the blog is strong, but it’s overpowered by my desire to keep tending this garden of words I’ve created.

Today, I am happy to announce that finally, the lotion is soaking in, and a compromise of sorts is finding it’s way to me. I may not be able to write weekly like I did last year, but I won’t stop, can’t stop writing altogether. So here’s my plan…

I have 3 topics I’ll be experimenting with this year. My posts will fall under these categories and I hope they will give you the uplifting encouragement you seek.

  • First, I’ll be writing about the “Fresh Perspectives” that are guiding me. (My first post on this topic is in the works right now).  These posts will contain short snippets or stories of the lessons I’m learning and how they can form a new landscape in our minds. New mindsets, paradigm shifts, unique angles, and patterns for living will all be covered here.
  • Second, I’ll be posting a bit about my “Ordinary Days.” While I try super hard to elevate my life to a realm of wonder, most days are just plain ordinary. These posts will be for any of you who would love to be a fly on my wall and see what we do here at the White Farmhouse. I can’t promise my days are fabulous by any means, but maybe they will serve to show you that all of us are just ordinary people with ordinary families and ordinary lives…and YET, the Lord can still use our ordinary days to accomplish extraordinary things. And maybe even more than this, it will inspire you to keep a record of YOUR beautiful ordinary days every once in a while. Because someday you will look back and treasure each and every ordinary moment.
  • Third, I’ll be posting more of my “Hope Notes” for those days or weeks when everything seems to be going wrong. When the fog won’t clear or your dreams aren’t materializing or you struggle with health issues or family challenges, these notes are for those  times. While I can’t erase your opposition, I hope to cheer you on and remind you that you’re not alone.
  • BONUS topic–I’m hoping that later this year as my book progresses, I will be able to give you a few sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes glimpses into this project I’ve taken on.

I hope you will stick with me this year because I have so much I want to share with you and so much I’d love to offer. In all the things I write here and in the book I’m in the middle of crafting, I hope you know that everything I share will always have one end-goal in mind: and that’s encouraging you to craft a life full of wonder.

Thank you for sharing this space with me.

Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Out on the post in the horse corralwas the prettiest bird I’ve ever seen around our partsWe grabbed binoculars and focused them inon this vibrant

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Mrs. Silence Dogood

snuggled in terracotta muslin and striped linen sheetsCooper and I sitto read an old story about Benjamin Franklin. Something about him inspires memaybe it was

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Higher, Holier

Sabbath ponderingon the hilltop of my mind.A parable from the Lordabout a certain womanwho rose from the minutia of the dailyto climb to higher heightsto

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