Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

Just Popped By…

One of the counselors in my Relief Society stopped by to wish me a happy birthday.  She brought a litle tootsie pop all wrapped up with a note:  “Just ‘pop’ped by to wish you — Happy Birthday!!”  Regardless of the fact that my birthday is tomorrow, my day was made.  It’s nice to be remembered.  It’s nice to be loved. It feels good to feel that someone thinks you’re special enough to be cared about.  Is there someone’s day that I can make?  Who needs me today?  Who knows but if my words, or embrace, or smile may be the only ray of sunshine…their only source of happiness today.  Can we seek?  Yes.  We must.

Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Out on the post in the horse corralwas the prettiest bird I’ve ever seen around our partsWe grabbed binoculars and focused them inon this vibrant

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Mrs. Silence Dogood

snuggled in terracotta muslin and striped linen sheetsCooper and I sitto read an old story about Benjamin Franklin. Something about him inspires memaybe it was

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Higher, Holier

Sabbath ponderingon the hilltop of my mind.A parable from the Lordabout a certain womanwho rose from the minutia of the dailyto climb to higher heightsto

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