Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

How to Plant a Wish Garden

{Add a bit of enchantment to your spring celebrations…}

  1. Fill your children’s Easter eggs with various seeds. You can color code the Easter eggs if you know which types of plants/flowers/veggies each child would most enjoy growing. (Save the seed packets if you need growing instructions)
  2. Include in each egg a little Wish slip of paper (download below, then cut into strips)
  3. Hide the eggs & let your children find them
  4. Have the children write down their wishes
  5. Help them plant their seeds along with their wishes. You can give them each a little garden pot or a small corner of the garden in which to plant
  6. As you watch the seedlings grow, maybe their wishes will come true too! 😉

Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Out on the post in the horse corralwas the prettiest bird I’ve ever seen around our partsWe grabbed binoculars and focused them inon this vibrant

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Mrs. Silence Dogood

snuggled in terracotta muslin and striped linen sheetsCooper and I sitto read an old story about Benjamin Franklin. Something about him inspires memaybe it was

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Higher, Holier

Sabbath ponderingon the hilltop of my mind.A parable from the Lordabout a certain womanwho rose from the minutia of the dailyto climb to higher heightsto

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