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Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

Home Is {a thursday poem}

Home is a field of meadow grass

and a V of geese inked in the sky.

It’s quiet birdsong

and stillness.

It’s a country lane and a red barn.

Home is white peace

and pieces from yesteryear.

Home is a fireside hearth

and wide open space.

It’s the Eastern dawn in the morn

and the stars twinkling their goodnight song.

Home is the fresh smell of farmland

and sparkling chandelier.

It’s the gathering of those I love most

and the feeling I get when

we’re all together at last.

Home is here.

Home is now.

Home is.

~Jamie Johnson

Close your eyes for a moment and think of your home. What does it feel like? Smell like? Taste like? What are all the little things that makes home meaningful to you? Consider writing about your home in a poem, a letter, or a paragraph in your journal. Let your home come alive on the page and it will come alive in your heart…

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