Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

Where is the Temple?

My mom likes to tell the story of the night my dad and I were driving one of my friends home. We were out in a tiny town and as we drove back home I realized I was quite lost. I couldn’t get my bearings. But then my dad pointed out a small dot of light off in the distance and I could see the glow of the Logan temple. I instantly reoriented myself and knew where we were and how to get home.

Things haven’t changed much now that I’m grown up. You’d think I’d be able to navigate my old hometown now that I’m grown, but anybody who knows me knows I’m very directionally challenged. I don’t live there anymore, but whenever I’m over in Logan, as long as I can see the temple I know where I am and how to get where I’m going.

Last winter I was completely lost trying to find my sister’s house because it was so foggy that I couldn’t see the temple.

So on my way to my hair appointment with my sister yesterday, I just had to stop and take a picture of this beautiful edifice that has provided the ultimate guidance I have needed to navigate my life–both physically and spiritually.

As long as we keep our gaze fixed on the temple, we will always know where we are and how to get back home.

Higher, Holier

Sabbath ponderingon the hilltop of my mind.A parable from the Lordabout a certain womanwho rose from the minutia of the dailyto climb to higher heightsto

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Butterfly Lullabies

Butterflies flitted aboutmuch too anxiously today–almost as if they had sippedjust a little too much nectar. But I learned something new.Jittery jitterbugs can be soothed

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Candles in the Night

in the darkness of nightwe light candles.Books are candles for me;so is music;so is friendship. Accept in eternity.we are dearly loved. Wait.night stopped. Start

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