Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

Day 4: Believe.

Today is the fourth day of our journey to peace. Yesterday we spoke of defining your success. Today I want to emphasize that the real way to succeed is to simply believe…

Do you ever feel like even though you have your definitions firmly in place, you still fail to achieve the success you desire? I feel this way often. Especially when it comes to determining whether or not I’m living up to my heart’s desire to be a good mother. There’s no measuring stick or grading rubric I face every day letting me know if I’ve done enough or been enough for my children. (And this feeling can apply to almost any worthy desire we have). Sometimes success in our righteous desires feels nigh unto impossible and we are so afraid to fail.

But then I remember a story from the New Testament. When the ruler of a synagogue, Jairus, fell at the feet of the Savior, imploring him to heal his daughter who was dying, Christ went with him. But on the way, some from the ruler’s house met them with the tragic news that she had already passed away. They said to Jairus, “Thy daughter is dead: why troublest the Master any further?”

What happens next is the key:

“As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.” (Mark 5:35-36)

The Savior’s response commands courage from even the weakest heart.

If He has all power and an infinite supply of grace from the atonement, is there anything He cannot do? Does He have enough power to create a good mother in me? Does He have enough power to help any of our worthy desires turn to success? Yes. He does.

Believe in Him. Believe that if you have knelt as Jairus and implored the Lord for help or healing or success, He can help you become. Be not afraid, only believe. Herein lies the key to success and to peace.

And the second key? We must believe in ourselves. 

Wake up each morning and look in the mirror with a bright, hopeful smile on your face, telling that wonderful face in the mirror that you can succeed. You are of infinite worth. No failure is permanent. Success is possible. You are a spirit son or daughter of the great Creator of the universe. You can do this! You are not alone. There is nothing you can’t do with the Lord on your side.

Then when the going gets tough, remember your conviction. Because with God’s help, you can become an amazing parent, a person who makes a profound difference, or anything else you desire in righteousness.

The last key is something I am still learning. There is no one perfect way to be a mother, or a father, or a friend, or a leader, or a teacher. But there are a thousand ways to be good and successful in your role.

Elder Perry quoted President Hinckley today in the afternoon session of General Conference:

“We cannot begin to measure or calculate the influence of women who, in their own ways, build stable family life and nurture for everlasting good, the generations of the future.” (emphasis added)

I love those 4 small words, “in their own ways.” What comfort these four small words provide as I contemplate that my own, unique mothering efforts are enough. They are good. I am enough. Just the way I am.

And so are you.

31 Days to Peace Index

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