Thanks everyone who joined me for my live periscope broadcast today! If you are not familiar with periscope, it’s super easy! Just download the free periscope app on your phone, register your account, and then follow me–my username is: JamieInTheStillness. The fun thing about periscope, is that if you are watching live, you can comment and ask questions so it is very interactive and engaging. I’d love for you to join me on my next periscope episode. I post to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook before I go live, so follow me there to stay updated on when my next periscope will be.
If you missed today’s, don’t worry! You can watch the replay for 48 hours on the periscope app or you can watch it here on Youtube.
Today’s broadcast features easy meal planning tips so you never have to ask “What’s for Dinner Again!”
Enjoy and Happy Thursday!
P.S. If you have an idea for a periscope video that you would like me to do, send me an email at [email protected]
P.P.S. Here is the link to the recipe box I promised you. 🙂