Why do I always forget that gratitude, the special eyesight to see His wonder everywhere, is the answer to all woe? When I refuse to “see” it is only because I have been blinded by he who wants my miserableness. When my day (or just a few moments) go all wrong I search and seek for some magical answer, some perfect button to push and make everything happy again. Then I moan when this magic button does not appear and I think I will never find the answers.
But somewhere in the back of my mind a little voice whispers, be thankful, give praise, see gratitude. When I push it out, I remain in the unhappiness, but when I grasp onto those words and enact them by listing the gifts from God, I am restored to the happiness.
Why do I forget? Why do I refuse to listen? Is it because of the smallness of the task, the simpleness of the way?
Oh can I engrave these words into my heart forever?
I just need more practice. And this
year is the perfect time to do so…
I will keep trying to remember…even when I forget or fail.
#389. Open notebook just waiting for more grace.
#402. Blueberry muffins in wicker basket.
#404. New day beckoning tomorrow-a perfect day to give away all my will.
#405. Little goodnights breathed through the dark.
#408. Beaded buds on tree limbs
#411. Raindrop smattered shopping trip.
#412 New shoes for little boys.
#414. Home to enjoy the rain from indoors
#415. Tortilla chips with a hint of pepper jack
#417. Forgiveness sweet from Little Bear.
#421. Slow dancing with my sweetheart.
#422. Soft music with breakfast.
#424. Inspiration from heaven teaching me to praise my boys–lavish them with it
#429. The opportunity to make a difference through blogging.
#430. Fresh fish delivered from a dear friend.
#432. Little Bug whispers.
#438. Lovely nap all snuggled under covers.
#446. My sweetheart’s presence this morning.