“An occasional burst of praise, in the midst of years of complaining, is not what is required. Songs on rare, sunshiny days; and no songs when skies are cloudy—will not make a life of gratitude. The heart must learn to sing always.” ~J.R. Miller, 1912
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908. Quiet time to relish with my boys and sweetheart every morning this week.
909. Knowing the Lord will give me gems in my scripture study this morning.
913. Imagining what my Little Star will look like and envisioning her in my mind.
914. A fun and memorable library trip.
917. My sweetheart telling me that I’m the most beautiful woman in the all the world and that he loves me with all of his heart.
922. Little one hiccups inside of me
925. My personal “Thanksgiving Celebration” where I will reflect on all that I have learned this year.
931. German buttery pancakes with homemade Raspberry jam.
933. The boys always behaving so reverently during Sacrament meeting.
940. Paper chains–red and orange to count down our time before we move to our Cottage and pastel pink for when Little Star will come.
941. Actually feeling the singing of praise lifting and energizing my sagging spirit.
942. Pop reminding me that the waiting and anticipation is just as exciting as the actual having.