Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

Faith-Crafting in your Cottage Home

“There is ‘the shield of faith wherewith’ the Lord said ‘ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked’ (D&C 27:17).

“This shield of faith is handmade in a cottage industry. What is most worth doing ideally is done at home. It can be polished in the classroom, but it is fabricated and fitted in the home, handcrafted to each individual.”

~President Boyd K. Packer

I have always loved this quote. I am so grateful for the home I grew up in where my shield of faith was handcrafted by my parents and custom-fitted to me as an individual daughter of God.

Now that I’m a mother, I’m doing the fabricating and handcrafting and custom-fitting. What does each of my individual children need to have a faith strong enough to shield them from the attacks of the adversary?

  • Faith to stand up for their beliefs?
  • Faith to trust in a personal Savior?
  • Faith to be forgiven?
  • Faith in their abilities?
  • Faith that they can do hard things with the Lord’s help?

What specific piece of faith does each of my children need? How will I instill these aspects of faith in their hearts? Answering these questions will result in a slightly different shield of faith for each child. It’s a beautiful task to undertake here in my cottage home.

day 07.

quote: “In this conference we will hear truths that inspire us to change, improve, and purify our lives. Through personal revelation, we can prevent what

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day 06.

quote: “Please make notes of thoughts that catch your attention and those that come into your mind and stay in your heart. “…I pray that

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