Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

day 07.


“In this conference we will hear truths that inspire us to change, improve, and purify our lives. Through personal revelation, we can prevent what some call ‘general conference overwhelm’ — when we leave so determined to do it all now. Women wear many hats, but it is impossible, and unnecessary to wear them all at once. The spirit helps us determine which work to focus on today. The Lord’s loving influence through the Holy Ghost helps us know His priority for our progression.”

-Joy D. Jones (An Especially Noble Calling, Oct. 2020)


Small and simple. Just a few things. We don’t need to do it all at once! The spirit will help us know what to focus on today and each day after conference is over.

It’s always so sad when the closing prayer is said. I’ve tried many things to “take conference home with me” after it’s through. So many times I forget to read over my notes in the months following conference. But a few weeks ago, I read a little idea in the Liahona and it inspired me to create something for you.

Perhaps this little idea will help you and me bring conference into our everyday lives. When conference is over, spend a few minutes reviewing your notes–the things that were said as well as your own thoughts and impressions. Highlight or underline 26 things that stood out to you the very most–the ones that the Spirit is prompting you to pursue. Then write them out on this little print I have designed for you and hang it on your bathroom mirror. 

Why 26? Because there are 26 weeks until the next conference. And if you write down 26 little reminders, you can focus on one per week for the next 6 months. This little “General Conference Takeaways” print will help you take the notes from your journal and bring them out where you will see them and be continually inspired. It can be your own personalized roadmap for the next six months.

{And if 26 sounds too overwhelming, just write down 1 or 2 at a time. Go week by week, or month by month. You might even choose to repeat these 1 or 2 things for the whole six months–and that’s okay! Please don’t let yourself drop into general conference overwhelm! By small and simple things are great things brought to pass. Always.}

Thank you so much for joining me on this 7-day adventure to prepare for general conference. I hope you feel thrilled for what you will discover this weekend! And like I said before, it really doesn’t matter where you are or where you’ve been. All that matters is that you come. Come to the feast that has been prepared for you. Come hear the words of prophets and leaders–messages from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Let your heart be soothed and stilled, inspired and ignited. Come to Conference and be renewed!

Take care, friends, and enjoy your incredible weekend!

Much love,


day 06.

quote: “Please make notes of thoughts that catch your attention and those that come into your mind and stay in your heart. “…I pray that

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day 05.

quote: “The purpose of this and every general conference is to help us to hear Him. We have prayed, and invite you to pray, that

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