Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

Countdown to Conference

It’s that magical time of year again that always brings me back to childhood days when my mom surprised us with brand new activities at the start of General Conference every six months. Sometimes it was perler beads, other times painting crafts. My favorite surprise was a Precious Moments coloring book and a box of 64 crayons with its unforgettable smell of new pages and wax in every color of the rainbow.

My mom made General Conference as special as Christmas time. Her intent was to help her girls learn to love Conference in simple ways so that as we grew, we would love it in deeper ways as well.

And now, nearly four decades of conferences have woven a blanket of faith, hope, peace, and testimony around my heart.

The countdown is on. 7 more days to prepare my heart. 7 more days to ponder my deepest questions. 7 more days to journey closer to the Lord and show Him I’m ready for His guidance.

The counsel given next weekend will be a roadmap for the next six months of my journey. And I sure need it on this road less traveled. Don’t we all? Don’t we all long for a roadmap?

It really doesn’t matter where you are or where you’ve been. All that matters is that you come. If you do, I promise you that the words from prophets, seers, and revelatory will touch your heart in some special way. You will hear sage words of wisdom, hope, peace, and direction from leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These leaders are examples for the whole world, and no matter your faith or religion, their counsel is sound and true for all people everywhere–because they speak the words of Christ.

So come to Conference. It’s just 7 days away.

And join me if you want a beautiful adventure to get your heart ready for next weekend. These next 7 days will offer short and simple invitations for a unique and powerful journey leading up to General Conference. 

If you want them delivered to your inbox every morning, sign up below. Or come back to the blog each day to read the new post. Or prayerfully prepare in your own way. The Spirit will guide you.

Much love,


Countdown to Conference

7 ways in 7 days to prepare your heart
for General Conference.


day 07.

quote: “In this conference we will hear truths that inspire us to change, improve, and purify our lives. Through personal revelation, we can prevent what

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day 06.

quote: “Please make notes of thoughts that catch your attention and those that come into your mind and stay in your heart. “…I pray that

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