Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

Bedtime Peace Practice

Do you ever feel heavy when you go to bed, weighed down by things people have said or done? Burdened with feeling sorry for yourself, or hurt by a myriad of little things that shouldn’t be a big deal? I know I’ve been here–too many times to count actually.

But I found something to help. A practice to implement that rids me of all the baggage that keeps me from peace.

The practice is forgiveness and letting go.

Too simple? Or easier said than done? I always believed in the power of forgiveness, but never understood practically how to actually forgive. Until I began a practice that works for me. And since I’m a visual learner, it works for my brain.

All I do is sit quietly after I’ve prayed for help in forgiving. Then I close my eyes and imagine myself standing in front of the person who has hurt me. I also imagine the Savior there as well. With Him on my side, I can feel of His love, His mercy, and His goodness. And somehow, His perfect strength gives me enough strength to smile at the person and give them a hug. I tell them I was hurt but I have forgiven them and harbor no ill feelings towards them. And as I imagine this, my heart is filled with the sweetest feeling of forgiveness. I am free and full of peace.

This practice works equally as well to let go of our burdens. I close my eyes and imagine myself carrying a heavy load up a steep hill. At the top of the hill waits the Savior, full of light and love. As I approach Him, I fall down and lay my burdens at His feet. He picks them up and carries them so I don’t have to. My shoulders feel lighter, my heart rejoices, for His grace is always enough.

I know that through our Savior, our burdens can be lifted, our hearts can be healed, and we can let go of all the things that trouble us. All we need to do is come unto Him.

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

-2 Corinthians 12:9

day 07.

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day 06.

quote: “Please make notes of thoughts that catch your attention and those that come into your mind and stay in your heart. “…I pray that

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