Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

My Girl Friday

Tonight my sweetheart sacrificed his Tuesday basketball ritual to stay home with me because I had such a long and tiring day.
How can I thank him enough?
My husband makes me happy.
Does your spouse?
If so, then continue to shower upon them lots of love in the way they need it.
But if not, consider the amount of love and happiness you are giving them every day.  Love given so very often equals love received.

This will bring happiness.

We watched a movie together…His Girl Friday.
I enjoyed the story; it left me pondering.
All about what it means to be a wife and mother.
And how it is the most rewarding and peaceful profession ever created.
The Lord has given each of us so many talents and gifts.
But I firmly believe that we can use these talents and gifts within the very walls of our home…in our small sphere of influence.
We can be great.
We can accomplish so much with our talents.  We simply have to be a little creative and use the spirit in determining how to magnify our talents and bless our families at the same time.
It’s possible.  I know this deeply through personal experience.
And what could bring us more happiness than to enlarge and expand our talents and edify and uplift our families through our endeavors?
I think this is happiness.  True enduring happiness.

Higher, Holier

Sabbath ponderingon the hilltop of my mind.A parable from the Lordabout a certain womanwho rose from the minutia of the dailyto climb to higher heightsto

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Butterfly Lullabies

Butterflies flitted aboutmuch too anxiously today–almost as if they had sippedjust a little too much nectar. But I learned something new.Jittery jitterbugs can be soothed

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Candles in the Night

in the darkness of nightwe light candles.Books are candles for me;so is music;so is friendship. Accept infinity.live in eternity.we are dearly loved. Wait.night stopped. Start

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