Today is July 3rd. Which means tomorrow is July 4th. Before all of the festivities begin and we get caught up in the parades and fireworks, could we use today as a pre-celebration, a quiet one that takes place only in our heart?
Happy Challenge:
Today, or tonight, walk outside barefoot and feel the soil upon which you stand. This ground is part of a vast, sweeping country that is free and blessed by the hand of God. Let that thought sink deep and feel surging joy of living in a free land and country that is so very blessed. Revel in this glorious truth for a few sweet moments and then turn your thoughts or voice upward to heaven in praise. Thank our Heavenly Father for the blessing of living in this free country. Thank Him for giving us this promised land in which to live and grow our dreams. And thank Him most of all for the blessing of being free to worship Him. For this is truly the greatest privilege we are granted in this, the United States of America.